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The Yoga of the Aquarian Age

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of Awareness of the Aquarian Age. Through a combination of pranayama (breathing techniques), kriyas (sets of exercises), meditation, and mantra. Kundalini yoga helps its practitioners make the full mind, body and soul connection. It is a science, a true technology, that gives us the tools to deal with the stresses of modern time. Not only does it help with physical, core strength, but it also teaches us how to remain centered, calm and allows us to create a neutral mind. It allows for the alleviation of blocks that may be holding us back from living a healthy, happy, & spiritual life. Kundalini yoga is “the fastest way to establish an aligned relationship between the mind, body, and soul.”

My classes are fun, energetic, joyful and open to people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds, and beliefs. In them, we let go of our ego and open our hearts, together.

What is Kundalini Energy?

Kundalini energy resides at the base of the spine, it is primal energy or Shakti. It can be visualized as a coil at the base of the spine, spiraling in 3 1/2 circles in the root chakra. Kundal literally means “curl of the hair of the beloved”. We use combinations of pranic breathing exercises, meditation, mantra, and kriyas to awaken the Kundalini energy and as it “rises” we achieve greater awareness, enlightenment, and bliss. Practicing Kundalini yoga helps us work through physical and emotional blocks which when cleared can help activate our Kundalini energy resulting in a deeper connection with our true self and the infinite.

How Does Kundalini Yoga Compare to Other Types of Yoga?

Kundalini yoga is a universal discipline, accessible to all people, regardless of age or physical ability. Unlike other forms of yoga which focus primarily on the physical, Kundalini yoga is science which aims to interconnect mind, body, and soul by using all of the key, ancient yogic techniques. It incorporates many others forms of yoga, such as Hatha, but focuses on bringing out the greatest potential of any individual by raising their awareness using all eight of Patanjali’s limbs. With Kundalini, you get the full yogic experience, plus – the benefits can be felt immediately. It is a spiritual and devotional practice but open to all religions and faith and is the perfect combination of all facets of yoga that can not only help awaken a practitioner to their own truth but also lead them to the infinite.

Devi Kirn, brings you Kundalini classes, workshops, retreats, sadhana and promoting a safe eco friendly environment where students can develop a meaningful yogic practice and a yogic lifestyle. What began as a small group of like minded souls has grown into a spiritual community now serving the community in the Niagara Region. Drop in on a class with her.


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